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Section 1:

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.

Artist Statement:

A piece of paper covered in origami flowers and paper that has been manipulated to create crinkles, and leaves.  As well as organic shapes in the back of the piece made of blue paper, light and dark. Color is achieved using construction paper.  To show nature while using things that used to be part of nature like paper.  As well as using faux flowers to add to the piece. By having most of the elements be organic shapes and forms to show that it is still part of nature.  The straight lines to show the direction the water is flowing and the.  By focusing on nature and the three artists we are using.  Nature for Debora Moore, recycled materials for Sydney Shen, and the style for Sabeena Karnik.  By incorporating nature and natural shapes to the piece.  As well as using a more conventional 2D material as a 3D material.




This is an example piece I created to use in my ART 211 teaching.  This was meant to show how to make a simple paper sculpture. 


  • The artwork's content is thoroughly explained within the artist's statement and is associated with additional ideas.

  • The artwork is very well crafted and shows an understanding of materials and tools.

  • The artist's statement clearly links the artwork's expressive qualities and ideas to its design


211 UNIT PLAN (click on icon to view)

Section 2:

IPTS (2013) - STANDARD 1 - Teaching Diverse Students - The competent teacher understands the diverse characteristics and abilities of each student and how individuals develop and learn within the context of their social, economic, cultural, linguistic, and academic experiences. The teacher uses these experiences to create instructional opportunities that maximize student learning.


We are teaching a project about paper sculptures and we are teaching over zoom with assistance with the teacher.  We, the student teachers, are over zoom while all the students are in class with the teacher, acting like our arms and legs.



I want my students to know how to create 3d sculptures with uncommon materials and create a sculpture of an object in the natural world.

211 STUDIO ASSIGNMENT ASSESSMENT (click on icon to view)

IPTS (2013) -STANDARD 7 - Assessment - The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessment for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.




We are assessing what prior knowledge the students might have about scultures and working with paper.  We are assessing through google forms, critique worksheets, and fill out rubrics. The top two files are formative assessments and the bottom two are summative assessments.

Rationale: Why are you assessing it at these points in the unit?

We are assessing them at these points to see their growth and to personally know how they feel about the project at a certain point.  They are also used to see how others feel about their project and vice versa.

ARTIST HANDOUT AND POWER POINT (click on icon to view)

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 6 -Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication - The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge.

Description: Your artist handout from the lesson unit plan that uses the Conceptual Frameworks and the Frames. The handouts contain historical and critical information, websites, questions, vocabulary, and suggestions for further study and art making. If your unit contains other handouts you have created, include them here. Add the unit Power Point to demonstrate your diverse means of delivering information.

Rationale: The questions help student think past the usual questions and think outside the box while looking at the art.  It makes them think about the background about the piece as well and visually seeing it. 


IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Description: Attending a zoom presentation for visiting artists Alex Chitty and Tiff Beatty.

Rationale:  Wanting to learn about other artists and het more inspiration for any future projects.



IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Description:  Me teaching my sister how to draw in an illustrative way and explaining why grinding is important for accuracy and teacher her how to do it.

Rationale: My sister claims that she is not good at art complained to me, which I don't like the comparison.  I think everyone has the potation of becoming good at art, they just have to practice and give it a chance to grow.

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